Monday, July 26, 2010

Is rain on your wedding day really so bad?

During a particularly heavy hurricane season in the Philadelphia area, it was difficult to have an outdoor wedding and not plan for the worst. For many brides, I'm sure that rain is the worst thing that can happen on your wedding day. Fortunately, for this bride, it wasn't.
The barefoot bride on the mud-covered dance floor, September 2006.

We (JAM Catering) catered a wedding at a client's residence in the Philadelphia suburbs during this incredibly rainy season. A tent had been rented -- which seemed like the only thing to be done for this reception that had been planned to occur in the backyard. What hadn't been accounted for was the effects of rain for days prior to the event. The yard's grass carpet had become a muddy pool, and guests and staff alike were simply unable to navigate through it with dress shoes and heels, so...

Staff from Jeffrey Miller Catering serving barefoot.

The reason this all worked is because the bride and groom accepted this act of Mother Nature and embraced the unique situation. There was no Bridezilla at this wedding. I'm sure their guests will always remember their wedding and for years tell that great story that starts off, "Remember when we went to that wedding when it rained?"

Have you been to a wedding when it rained? What would you do if there was a lot of rain on your event day?

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